Sq. Ft. Club

Join the Square Foot Club – Building homes and hope one square foot at a time.

Our goal is decent, affordable housing for all Garrett County residents. Your annual commitment to sponsor one or more square feet in a home at $100 per square foot positively impacts families, communities and the economy of our region. Having a house to go home to every day and night mean families are able to stay in our county, keep children in our schools, pay property taxes, and reinvest in local businesses.

Please consider becoming a Garrett County Habitat Square Foot supporter. Put your dollars to work in the Square Foot Club. Your generosity will build more than a house. Your financial support builds homes, hope and a strong community.

What can I buy with my money?

$ 100 = Two ceiling lights
$ 80 = Four smoke alarms
$ 100 = One square foot of a home
$ 190 = Bathroom sink
$ 250 = 4 x 4 dual glazed window
$ 275 = Quality front door
$ 325 = Bathtub
$ 330 = Kitchen sink
$ 4,000 = Siding
$ 950 = Heating system
$ 6,180 = Framing
$ 5,600 = Drywall for one house
$ 11,000 = Roof and insulation

It costs more than $100 per square foot for us to build a simple, decent and affordable home using volunteer labor and donated materials. We are seeking donations to fund 1,182 square feet which provides us the opportunity to build a house in partnership with a low-income family.

Habitat homes are not free. To make affordable home ownership possible, we use the model of volunteer labor, donated materials, no profit on the sale, no interest on the loan. Households with members who live or work in Garrett County, Maryland, and who meet the income requirements are eligible to apply.

We invite people of all faiths to join our mission to seek to put God’s love into action by bringing people together to build homes, communities and hope.

Thank you for donating today!